We are proud to offer Orlando’s premier
ministry to kids, students, and their families.
Sunday Mornings
Wednesday Evenings

Mission and Vision
The mission of Calvary Kids is to create a fun and safe atmosphere where children can encounter God and grow in an intimate relationship with Him. In other words, we aim for children to have fun while learning about God. Our vision is to establish a place where children become lifelong followers of Jesus, experiencing the presence of God through their senses—tasting, seeing, feeling, smelling, and touching His presence. We are more than just a playtime, babysitting, or child-care service; we are a children's ministry. Our program is specifically designed to captivate the hearts of children, making their Calvary Kids experience the highlight of their week. We partner with parents to guide and encourage their children through their spiritual journey. Together, we will expand God’s kingdom as we love, reach, and equip every child.
We are thrilled to announce that we are enhancing our safety and security measures to ensure the utmost protection for every child in Calvary Kids. This includes updates to our check-in systems, a more secure pick-up process, new bathroom protocols, increased leadership presence in classrooms, guidelines for youth and adult visitors, and strengthened boundaries within our building. Thank you for your support in creating a fun and safe environment for every child.
Safety and Security Updates
- Updates to our check in systems
2. A more secure pick up process
When a family checks in, one security tag will be printed for the adult that checked the child in and each child will receive a name tag. Both sets of tags will have a matching one time use four-digit code that verifies the child belongs with that adult. Every kid will wear their name tag the entirety of the service and the parents must keep their matching security tag so they can pick their child up at the closing of service. When parents arrive to pick up, they will be guided into a line in the Calvary Kids Lobby that leads to the Calvary Kids Auditorium where a team member will call each child to the exit doors. Parents will follow the line where another Calvary Kids team member will collect the parent’s security tag and the child’s name tag. The team member will verify that the four-digit code on both tags match before releasing the child to the parent. If a name tag or security tag is missing, the team member will follow a secondary process to safely release the child. In order to not lose a security tag, it is suggested that parents wear the security tag as a sticker or take a picture of the security tag when checking in.
3. New bathroom protocols
In Calvary Kids, we have bathrooms designated for children only to ensure their safety and privacy. No one outside of the ministry is permitted inside these bathrooms. The use of the bathrooms will be supervised by Calvary Kids team members.
4. Greater numbers of leaders in classrooms
It is our policy that there are always at least two adult Calvary Kids team members in a space where children in the ministry are present. This provides for greater visibility and awareness of every child’s presence and guarantees the safety of every kid and team member.
5. Guidelines for youth and adult visitors
Any youth or adult visitors who have children in the ministry are welcome in the Calvary Kids Lobby but must remain outside of any Calvary Kids classrooms and hallways. Only individuals who have undergone a background check through our Calvary Kids application process are allowed in a Calvary Kids classroom or hallway when children are present.
6. Tightened boundaries within our building
To create the most secure environment for every child in Calvary Kids, we have created spaces that are designated only for kids and Calvary Kids team members. It is our policy that no child is without two adult Calvary Kids team members and that no team member is ever left alone with a child